Publishing content should be as easy as taking notes. That’s why we built different templates on top of the Notion API that makes it easy to share your ideas with the world.
Publish your blog directly from Notion. This template is built for the makers who want to document their journey. Comin soon: The collaboration theme.
Download on Github$15
If you would like to publish your curated list (collection), this template is for you. Share resources easily from one Notion DB and share content on the blog.
Learn more on GumroadPrivate and public market investor and co-founder of Stocktwits sharing his view about fintech and startups in a daily newsletter.
Strategy and investing, from big companies to small. Never boring.
Twan Kruiswijk's blog about all things that cross his mind and pass his desk.
Maker & Designer, who is building several internet companies and documenting his journey on his blog.
List build with the publisher club